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Current Name: Doepaw
Other Names, if any: Doe
Age (in moons): 6.5 
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Creation Date: April 2019

Current Affiliation/Clan: Thunderclan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: Thunderclan
Rank: Apprentice
Mentor(s): Doeflame (Later on)
Apprentice(s): N/A

Father(s): N/A
Mother (s): N/A
Sibling(s): N/A
Offspring: N/A 

Best Friend(s): N/A
Friend(s): N/A
Neutral: N/A
Acquaintance(s): Doeflame
Enemies: N/A

Crush: N/A
Significant Other: N/A

Traits: | Scared | Terrified | Nervous| Panicky | Curious | Shy |

Mental Age: 3 moons
Psychiatric Complications: Severe anxiety
Phobias: Light

Sociability: 5/10
Outlook: 3/10
Responsibility: 10/10
Cleanliness: 7/10
Generosity: 9/10
Manners: 9/10
Bravery: 2/10
More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional

Favorite Season: Leafbare
Favorite Food(s): Shrew
Favorite Word: Thunder
Favorite Sound: Sleepy purring

Greatest Hope: Overcoming her anxiety
Greatest Strength: Her generosity
Greatest Weakness: Her fear of everything
Worst Nightmare: Actually being able to see
Deepest Darkest Secret: Wished she was dead
Most Treasured Memory: N/A

Quirk(s): Surprisingly sharp tongue when she's confident 
Theme Song(s): Fight Song - The Piano Guys

Place of Birth: Thunderclan
Date of Birth: 14/12 - 2018
Former rank(s): Kit
Beliefs: Atheist 

Breed(s): Wild cat mix
Fur Color(s): Light grey tabby
Fur Texture: Soft and ruffled
Fur Length: Slightly long
Markings: Tabby stribes
Eye Color: Pale green

Body Type/Structure: Built pretty sturdily but seem small
Height: 16cm
Weight: 2.5kg
Voice: Soft and unsure
Gait: Shy though steady
Scent: Foresty 

Scars / Deformities: 
Diseases / Conditions: Blind

Coordination: 9/10
Reflexes: 3/10
Strength: 4/10

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