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"I don't care about you anymore. May you never find peace and may you never haunt me anymore." - Breezefeather


Current Name: Breezefeather
Other Names, if any: Breezy
Age (in moons): 34

Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Creation Date: Back in 2017

Current Affiliation/Clan: Windclan

Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: Windclan

Rank: Warrior

Mentor(s): N/A

Apprentice(s): N/A

Father(s): N/A (Rogue)
Mother (s): Dawnpool
Sibling(s): N/A
Offspring: Bunnypaw

Best Friend(s):  N/A
Friend(s):  N/A
Neutral: Buttercupbreeze, Roansplash, Goldenwhisker, Fawnsplash
Acquaintance(s): N/A
Enemies: N/A

Crush: N/A
Significant Other: Mistletoe {Former}

Traits: |Broken| Loyal| Steadfast |Knowledgeable |

Mental Age: 10 moons
Psychiatric Complications: Extreme depression
Phobias: Mice

Sociability: 1/10
Outlook: 2/10
Responsibility: 10/10
Cleanliness: 3/10
Generosity: 6/10
Manners: 7/10
Bravery: 5/10
More Logical or More Emotional?:

Usually logical, currently emotional

Favorite Season: new leaf
Favorite Food(s): Hare
Favorite Word: Misery
Favorite Sound: Kits squeaking

Greatest Hope: His sanity back
Greatest Strength: His loyalty
Greatest Weakness: His broken heart
Worst Nightmare: Being betrayed again
Deepest Darkest Secret: 
Most Treasured Memory: The day his kit was born

Theme Song(s): Fools - Lauren Aquilina

Place of Birth: Windclan
Date of Birth: 1/5 - 2017
Former rank(s): Kit, Apprentice
Beliefs: Starclan, fading

Breed(s): Egyptian Mau
Fur Color(s): Silver and black
Fur Texture: Rough and worn
Fur Length: Extremely short
Markings: Black spots covers his entire body
Eye Color: A striking green

Body Type/Structure: Thin and lightweight
Height: 24 cm
Weight: 3.4kg
Voice: Soft and quiet
Gait: Extremely smooth
Scent: Hints of heather and rain

Scars / Deformities: He has a nick in his ear
Diseases / Conditions: Currently suffers from extreme depression

Coordination: 8/10
Reflexes: 9/10
Strength: 3/10


Breezefeather by Socks

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