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About Me

I am Arie // known as TheImmortalElder on WCO.

I am a 15 year old girl from Denmark, Europe.

I do live in Dubai, UAE and have been for the past many years.

I am a red head and I love being it.

I am a writer, poet and storyteller and is one of the most crazy people you can run into.

Fuzzyfeline and I have had a good relationship ever since 2018 and we're officially snuggle buddies.

Tawny and I are two potatoes who basically hit each other until one passes out. Its great fun.

I am always open for roleplays but it can be hard for me to get really invested but hit me up anyway. 

I am also an extreme history nerd and love anything and everything related to ancient civilizations.

Another master photo from the amazing Pi
An amazing time in Greece 1.5 weeks ago.
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