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Name; Snailriver

Previous Names; Snailkit, Snailpaw

Future Names; None

Prefix Meaning;  He was really slow moving at birth and loves to eat snails

Suffix Meaning; River was in reminder that his moods move as quickly as the river flows

Age; 35 moons

Gender; Male

Sexuality; Heterosexual

Residence; Riverclan

Birthplace; Riverclan

Rank; Warrior



Snailriver's personality is quite hard to pin down. The male has loads of moods swings but he is mostly a grouch. He tends to get snappy and grumpy a lot and this have distanced him from others but he is truly a steadfast and loyal cat when you get to know him. He is just hard to get in on, cause one moment it seems like you're making progress another he's snapping at you and being angry at you for asking him 'personal questions'


Snailriver's background isn't much to talk about, the tom grew up with his parents and littermates in Riverclan and they went through their kithood and apprenticeship with no trouble. Yet soon after he became a warrior he started having some moods swings and it lost him most of his friends but he just doesn't care anymore.


Snailriver is a large white and red tom. His entire body is pretty much white except for his ears, a streak above his eye brow and the phasing of his tail. He is huge but most of it is fur which is extremely fluffy making him seem really skinny when he is swimming in the river.

{Mentor}  --

{Previous Mentor} --

{Future Mentor} --

{Apprentice} --

{Previous Apprentice} --

{Future Apprentice} --

{Mother} --

{Father} --

{Sisters} --

{Brothers} --

{Daughters} --

{Sons} --

{Friends} --

{Best Friend(s)} --

{Love Interests} --


{Previous Mates} --

{Enemies} --

{Acquaintances} Mintflower (North)



Snailriver is currently in a conflict with North's Mintflower

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