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Name; Eaglesoul

Previous Names; Ealgekit, Eaglepaw

Future Names; None

Prefix Meaning; For his keen sight

Suffix Meaning; His sight may be gone but his soul is immortal

Age; 18 moons

Gender; Male

Sexuality; Heterosexual

Residence; Windclan

Birthplace; Windclan

Rank; Warrior



{WIP} Eaglesoul as an apprentice was a really eager and promising young cat, the apprentice wanting to do whatever he could to become the best warrior and the fastest cat the clan have ever seen. He was very ambitious and knew what he wanted to do when he became a warrior. Now, as Eaglesoul he have just recovered from a terrible depression that have left the tom's feelings in wreck and he is trying to be cheerful but most of his thoughts are still sad only brightened now and then by a feeling of affection for Silentpaw.


Eaglekit was born to a pair of windclan parents. In his family there have been this genetic disease that passed down generations and that could hit at unexpected times forcing the victim to either die or become blind for a life time. Eaglekit lived a free life with his parents and was fine until he became an apprentice. As an apprentice he trained along side Silentpaw and her friends and the young tom feel head over heels in love with the mute she-cat. Though this didn't last long and the young tom was soon hit by the genetic disease rendering him to moons of rest in the medicine cat den, fighting for his life. During this time he admitted his love for Silentpaw, thinking he would first see her again in Starclan. It was also here that he got is warrior name Eaglesoul, because of the fact that he had fought so long. Eaglesoul did not join Starclan though, after a fierce battle against the disease and woke up feeling fine. But Blind. When he realizes this he goes through a long phase of depression and refuses to move, to get used to the new way he have to deal with life on. He now rarely walks and if he does it is with the support of Silentpaw


Eaglesoul is a dark and light brown tabby tom with blue cloudy eyes. His usually neat fur hangs limp on his small frame that no longer carries any muscle and he is unsteady on his feet like a new born foal. He is extremely thin and staggers every time he takes a step like he have completely lost his balance.

{Mentor}  --

{Previous Mentor} --

{Future Mentor} --

{Apprentice} --

{Previous Apprentice} --

{Future Apprentice} --

{Mother} --

{Father} --

{Sisters} --

{Brothers} --

{Daughters} --

{Sons} --

{Friends} --

{Best Friend(s)} --

{Love Interests} Silentpaw {Fuzzy}


{Previous Mates} --

{Enemies} --

{Acquaintances} --



Currently getting used to his blindness in camp while trying to get out of his depressed state.

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